Tag Archives: Common Eiders male and female


Ten Pound Island just after sunset ~ As the sun was setting, hundreds of gulls poured onto the shoreline, along with Red-breasted Mergansers and Common Eiders. If there were other species, they were too far off to identify, nonetheless, it was fascinating to watch all the birds settling into the trees and rocky outcroppings for the evening.

Ten Pound Island Gloucester -5 kimsmithdesigns.com

Male female Common Eider Ten Pound Island Gloucester kimsmithdesigns.comCommon Eiders swimming toward the Island

Ten Pound Island Gloucester  -3kimsmithdesigns.comTen Pound Island Gloucester -8kimsmithdesigns.comThe gulls and sea ducks were conglomerating at the rocky beach on the (north?) end of the island

Ten Pound Island Gloucester kimsmithdesigns.comTen Pound Island Gloucester -2 kimsmithdesigns.comTen Pound Island’s little sandy beach, late afternoon