Tag Archives: Felix’s Family Farm


Happy New Year! Wishing you much joy and positivity in the coming year.

While standing stone still filming the ‘winter’ Robins in the garden this morning, our elusive Blue Jay friend stopped by for his usual breakfast of black-oil sunflower seeds. He’s very camera shy and always skedaddles off if he sees me trying to film him. I was standing so still he did not notice me this time and I was able to capture more than just his little butt flying away.

I associate Blue Jays with positivity and think of them as a good omen. Thank you Mr. Blue Jay for making my New Year’s Day. And now you’ll have good luck, too 🙂


So interesting, I read that the pigment in a Blue Jays feathers are melanin, which is brown. The blue is caused by scattering light through the surface of special cells on the feather barbs.

Blue Jays at my friend Paul’s sunflower field, at Felix’s Family Farm in Ipswich