Category Archives: birds of North America

Mass Audubon Monitoring Plovers at Gloucester Beaches

Good morning PiPl Friends,

Just a quick note to let you all know that the Mass Audubon team will be on Gloucester beaches monitoring the Plovers. I saw someone there yesterday at GHB from the roadside but Charlotte and I were on our way to an appointment and I couldn’t stop to say hello,. We did confirm though that the contract was signed yesterday. Mass Audubon did a great job last year and the Plover Ambassadors are looking forward to working with the Audubon team again this summer.

I am flat out with film finishing and planning client’s gardens and tried my best to keep the two from happening simultaneously but as the saying goes – the best laid plans… Things should ease up a bit soon and I will hopefully be providing you with more frequent updates about our Good Harbor Beach PiPls <3

Happy May!
Warmest wishes,

Super Dad floofing after a bath