Category Archives: Mariposa Monarca


Thank you to all our friends who stopped by last night for Halloween treats. It was fantastic to see everyone and we love seeing all the kid’s costumes.

Alex and Charlotte, Mr. Bones, and Meadow and Sabine

I treasure this time of year for myriad reasons and especially love celebrating Dia de Muertos. It’s a time to give pause and to think about our family and friends who have passed. We set up our porch ofrenda over the weekend and will keep it up through November 3rd. Ours is a little different than traditional ofrendas. The porch is narrow so therefore the ofrenda is relatively small and narrow so that we can still fit guests on the porch. We have lots of animal figures: an owl to represent Snowy Owls, a pudgy Plover-shaped colorfully painted bird to represent Piping Plover conservation, a cat to keep all our cats safe, an alicorn for Charlotte, and dozens of Monarchs, including a beautiful life-like hand-painted Monarch given to me by Mary Weissblum. With all the objects, there is little room for offerings of food, so that is placed on adjacent tables. Charlotte especially enjoys helping set up the ofrenda and she has lots of ideas of her own on how to make it special.

What is the way to properly greet someone during Dia de Muertos? Perhaps we don’t want to say Happy Dia de Muertos, like Happy Halloween. Although celebrated with much festivity, Dia de Muertos really is a somber occasion, meant to honor loved ones who have passed. Greetings to you is the best I can think of but perhaps you may know of a better way. Please write if you do!