Last week on Election Day, the elementary kids that attend East Veteran’s had the day off.  Charlotte is in love with Cloud, the resident sheep at Russell Orchards, so off we went to go visit Cloud. We were in luck as one of my favorite apples, Gala, was perfectly ripe for the picking. To find out which variety of apples are available to pick, check out Russell Orchard’s website here.

After filling two bags with sweetly delicious little pink gems, we stopped at the gorgeous zinnia patch adjacent to the apple orchard. The patch was abuzz with myriad pollinators, including Monarchs, Sulphurs, Swallowtails, bees, and as is typical at this time of year, Yellow Jackets. The Yellow Jackers weren’t interested in Charlotte and I, only in pestering the Monarchs. One even alighted on a Monarch’s wings!

Russel Orchard’s zinnias are a knock this year and I believe the variety of zinnias is Benary’s Giant.

Flowers of the Air